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  • My name is Leah Becker.  Leah after the chick in the Bible whose husband, Jacob, really wanted to marry her sister, which he eventually did (it all turned out alright, however, because God compensated Leah's lack of love and sexual attention by providing her with a bunch of spiritually conceived babies).  And Becker after my Dad.
  • I am currently a Junior undergraduate student at the University of Portland where I study English and German.  While these two studies mainly prepare you to attend more school, I believe we are given opportunities in our lives to do what we love, so study English and German I shall!
  • The best and most exciting time of my life, so far, has been living in Salzburg, Austria for the Fall and Spring semesters of my Sophomore year.  I saw timeless art, immersed myself in a foreign language and culture, ate foods that can only be described as "unique," and "delicious," but above all learned who it is that I really am.  Moreover, it was through this discovery of myself that I found we never really stop learning exactly who we really are.
  • I am an only child with two of the most humble and patient parents I have ever come into contact with.  Our little "Becker trio" has seen good times and bad, but we have the achievement of always loving one another through both.  In my life my friends have been like my siblings and my neighbors like my Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins.  I am lucky enough to have a life filled with inspiring and caring people who have surrounded me through every trial.
  • My days are filled with classic literature, novels (both in electronic and traditional forms), painting, guitar playing, philosophizing, learning, communicating, and laughing.  I have a passion for social justice and outreach to the homeless.  I despise the word "tolerance" and delight in the word "acceptance."  If I were to have one dream it would be that one day, whatever I am doing, I will make a difference in some way and spend my days living up to the causes that I believe in.

About Me

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